This bill dramatically streamlines the label approval process in California. It removes the previously used and time-consuming approval process and allows breweries to sell beer as soon as a label registration is filed, without the need for any further action or rubber-stamping by the ABC.  The registration paperwork requires: (1) the actual name and address of the manufacturer; (2) any applicable fictional names; (3) the type of beer and any brand names it will be sold under; and (4) any applicable contract brewer or joint venture involve in making the beer. Lastly, California has opted to match the federal label requirements and thus the label itself is only required to include: (1) the brand and type of beer; (2) manufacturer information; (3) bottler information if different from that of the manufacturer; and (4) the ABV if in excess of 5.7 percent.

New Form and Instructions to use as of January 1, 2016